Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How do you lay an acurate trebuchet under 80 cm? trebuchet launch mov apple quicktime monkees tv clips

Favoured English Guy and his Trebuchet
Besides giving away to charity, most rich people waste their money on boring, frivolous personally such as yachts, diamonds, and mansions.
Here's a ...

Trebuchet, Machine to Throw Arrows and Javelins Framed Art Poster Print by Villard de Honnecourt, 24x32

Trebuchet, Device to Throw Arrows and Javelins Framed Art Poster Print by Villard de Honnecourt, 24x32
  • Print Caption: Trebuchet, Machine to Throw Arrows and Javelins

  • Artist: Villard de Honnecourt

  • Size: 24 x 32 inches

  • How do you fabricate an acurate trebuchet under 80 cm?

    For science research club, one of the events is called "trajectory". I need to build a trebuchet under 80 center meters elongated and high. Are there any websites or people out there that will help me with design, building and testing?

    try this site.
    choose small tebuchet for a gif filer.
    hope this helps

    Newstrebuchet launch mov apple quicktime monkees tv clips

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